Sylvia Betts HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology Impactor
30 Aug 2024

Driven By Purpose: Sylvia Betts Makes a Difference as a HudsonAlpha Impactor

Serving in HudsonAlpha’s Impactors volunteer program allows Sylvia Betts to support HudsonAlpha’s mission on an even deeper level

With a background in nursing and clinical education, and a strong calling to help others, Sylvia Betts was naturally drawn to HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology. After hearing about the Biotech 101 and 201 series, HudsonAlpha’s public education program that came before HudsonAlpha U, Sylvia has rarely missed an event on HudsonAlpha’s campus.

“Once I learned about HudsonAlpha, I wanted to work there,” said Sylvia. “If I had known about genetics and genomics in college, that’s the field I would have gone into. I’ve always been fascinated by DNA and been very nerdy about science.”

When she heard that HudsonAlpha offered opportunities to volunteer she knew she had to get involved. Sylvia has helped with projects and events at HudsonAlpha over the years, and she recently joined the HudsonAlpha Foundation’s Impactors program.

The Impactors are a group of donors or friends of HudsonAlpha who help the Institute with major events, educational programs, and other special activities throughout the year by serving as greeters, helping to pack educational classroom kits, and much more. HudsonAlpha is tremendously grateful for the Impactors and their commitment to helping advance our mission. Their hard work and passion ensures HudsonAlpha’s events and educational offerings are continuously improving to meet the needs of our community.

Read on to learn more about why Sylvia is excited to be a part of the Impactors, what she finds so exciting about HudsonAlpha, and why she recommends supporting the Institute.

HudsonAlpha Foundation: What has inspired you to be a supporter of HudsonAlpha?

Sylvia Betts: I have a background in healthcare as a nurse, and then later in my career as a nursing educator, and my husband is a dentist. Wellness matters to us, and that’s why we’re interested in what HudsonAlpha is doing.

HAF: One of the many ways you support HudsonAlpha is by volunteering as an Impactor. Why were you interested in volunteering at HudsonAlpha?

SB: I wanted to be as involved as possible in what HudsonAlpha was doing, and I wanted to be a part of something bigger. I feel passionate about what is going on at HudsonAlpha. It’s also that the collaboration and creativity at HudsonAlpha is astounding. As a nurse, I learned that working with others and thinking out of the box is how you solve problems.

HAF: Why are HudsonAlpha’s events important to you? What do you enjoy most about them?

SB: I have helped put together packets for educational events, assisted with teacher training, held the door open for guests at events, and even assembled HudsonAlpha’s signature chromo-socks kits. The socks were actually made at a local mill, showing how HudsonAlpha supports our local community and economy, and helps students in classrooms. It’s so exciting that I have even talked my husband into volunteering! These personal touches convey an extra sense of welcome. I’m happy to be able to do that for people.

HAF: You also support HudsonAlpha through philanthropic donations. What is it that inspired you to become a donor?

SB: I can’t contribute to research directly because I’m not a scientist, but I want to be involved. HudsonAlpha’s cancer research is especially close to my heart, because I have many friends and family who’ve suffered from breast and ovarian cancer. And I have five granddaughters, so Information is Power is very important to us, too. I also feel like HudsonAlpha is a good steward of our funds. I know HudsonAlpha’s leadership personally and they’re ethical people. That means a lot to me.

HAF: What are you excited for your support and donations to accomplish?

SB: Our faith is important to us. We believe we were called to heal the sick and feed the hungry, as Jesus did. I don’t provide care to the sick much since I retired, but helping advance research that finds better treatments for disease is a big part of why we support HudsonAlpha, and that’s what we hope our support and donations will achieve.

As a nonprofit organization, HudsonAlpha relies on philanthropic support to fuel genomics research and STEM education and is grateful for the volunteers who help advance these mission areas.

If you’re interested in learning how you can support HudsonAlpha as a volunteer or as a donor, please contact Elizabeth Herrin, Senior Director of Advancement, at or 256.327.0442.